Language name: PASHTO
UPSID number: 2014
Alternate name(s): PUSHTO
Classification: Indo-European, Iranian
This language has 38 segments
Its Frequency index is 0.328334695 (average percentage of segments; 0.1: many very rare segments; 0.39: average; 0.7: many common segments)
The language has these sounds: p b t. d. k g tS dZ B s. z. X RF m n. S Z h i "e: "@ a u "o: a_: j w tD dD tDs dDz s z nD r l.[ l_ f
Comment: Pashto is spoken primarily in Afganistan. Kandahar dialect (Penzl 1955).
Source(s): Penzl 1955
Grjunberg, A.L. 1987. Ocherk Grammatiki Afganskogo Jazyka (Pashto). Nauka, Leningrad.
Penzl, H. 1955. A Grammar of Pashto, a Descriptive Study of the Dialect of Kandahar Afghanistan. American Council of Learned Societies, Washington, D.C.
Shafeev, D.A. 1964. A Short Grammatical Outline of Pashto (translated and edited by H.H. Paper). Indiana University, Bloomington.

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