Language name: KOREAN
UPSID number: 2170
Alternate name(s):
Classification: Ural-Altaic, Korean
This language has 32 segments
Its Frequency index is 0.336613082 (average percentage of segments; 0.1: many very rare segments; 0.39: average; 0.7: many common segments)
The language has these sounds: p ph k kh tS m N h j w p* k* tSh tS* i y e o/ aa a u uu o "o( tD tDh tD* sD sD* nD l uui
Comment: Korena is spoken primarily in Korea. /l/ alternates with initial /r/. Vowel length can be derived through combinations of vowels. Approximants /j,w/ precede (some) non-homorganic vowels.
Source(s): Cho, S-B. 1967. A Phonological Study of Korean (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Uralica et Altaica Upsaliensia 2). Almqvist and Wiksells, Uppsala.
Kim, C-W. 1972. Two Phonological Notes: A-Sharp and B-Flat. In M.K. Braume (ed.), Contributions to Generative Phonology. University of Texas Press, Austin: 155-170.
Kim, J. 1986. Phonology and Syntax of Korean Morphology. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Southern California.
Martin, S.E. 1951. Korean Phonemics. Language 27: 519-33.
Martin, S.E. 1954. Korean Morphophonemics. Linguistic Society of America, Baltimore.
Martin, S.E. and Lee, Y-S.C. 1969. Beginning Korean. Yale University Press, New Haven.

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